For Nils who has helped me or any other expert, and Nubies like me.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Nov 23 19:04:16 UTC 2008

nepal wrote:
> On Sunday 23 Nov 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>> nepal wrote:
>>> On Sunday 23 Nov 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> Is the config file you are suggesting deleting
>>>> /.kde/share/config  ?
>>> Read the first two sentences of my original mail again.
>>> nepal
>> It looked like our conversation was on an email for Nils,
>> I am not sure, anyway, I have looked through both my
>> saved email folders and can't find it.  There are a
>> bunch.  I am going to take it that /.kde/share/config is
>> not a folder to delete.  I will keep looking.
>> Steven
> This is what I wrote;
> On Sunday 23 Nov 2008, nepal wrote:
>> I'm not sure but this can be done safely. In your file
>> manager navigate to /home/$USER/.kde/share/config
>> In the list of files, find the file kwinrc, right click
>> it with the mouse and select rename. rename it to
>> something like kwinrc.old and hit enter. Rather than
>> delete the file, this way you can always go back to it
>> and change the name back to what it was if things don't
>> work out.
> Try doing that to sort out your problem. 
> "Is there a way to start over with original settings?"
> nepal.
I did that before, Nepal, and when nothing seemed to change, I activated 
kwinrc my deleting the .old extension.  Just now I went back and 
repeated the process.  I just renamed the file to kwinrd.old.  I just 
don't know what to do next.  Nothing changed, I just have a page of 
configuration related files, I believe.

Do I reboot to see what happens?  Do I close Dolphin?  As I received 
your email, I was trying to get into to see if I 
could find your other response there; I forget the exact wording, but 
they said that address did not exist, more or less.  Anyway I did not 
find an archive of emails for the list, like I expected.  I am not 
trying to get any to work my problem for me; I go as far as I know.  I 
just am stumped.  After I send this reply, I will reboot and see what 
happens.  I don't know anything else to do.  Nonetheless, if I return 
and the problem is not resolved, do I delete 
/home/$USER/.kde/share/config?  Then do I have to reconfigure 
everything, email, Desktop settings, etc.?  Thanks!


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