How to configure printer in Kubuntu 8.10

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at
Sun Nov 23 13:10:57 UTC 2008

Wulfy wrote:
> <rant>
> I hate System Settings!
> </rant>
> For the first time since I reinstalled, I have to print something out.  
> Of course, my printer needs configuring.  So easy in KControl...  
> Peripherals/Printers.  <sigh>
> I open System Settings and find... nothing about the printer. Zilch.  
> Nada.  Nowt.
> I could configure my joystick, if I had one, but not my printer.  I 
> wonder what percentage of users have joysticks compared to those who 
> have printers?
> Assuming for a moment that the developers of System Settings didn't have 
> a brain fart and leave the printer config dialog out completely, where 
> did they hide it?????
> I realise that I have to get used to KDE4 and things are different, but 
> come on!  No printer config??????????????????

open your web browser, and go to the following link:
this will give you the CUPS web interface

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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