Before I start filing bugs - KMail Help

Steve Lamb grey at
Sun Nov 23 02:31:08 UTC 2008

    Ok, I've decided to give KMail a whirl after the latest round of "how to 
implement reply-to-list" messages in TBird's bugzilla bug for that feature.  
Sick of waiting 8 years for that wart to be removed.  However there are some 
behaviours in KMail which are preventing me from switching completely over.  I 
want to make sure they aren't something I can fix with a configuration tweak I 
am thus far unaware of.  I have gone through the entire configuration so 
either it is something non-obvious, a bug or I'm just being oblivious (known 
to happen).

    1: When marking multiple messages in the message list I press-and-hold the 
shift button and use the up/down arrows.  In every other GUI application this 
will select all entries I move over.  However in KMail's message list shift 
and arrows does nothing.  Any way to get the standard behaviour activated 

    2: When I delete multiple messages KMail appears to send individual copy 
and mark-as-delete commands for each message in the list.  Is there a way to 
configure it so it instead uses IMAP's range command (I think that's it) to 
tell the server to perform actions on batches of messages instead?

    3: I have configured KMail to GPG sign all my messages.  However when I 
send a message that is marked to be signed it throws an error that it cannot 
sign the message.  The error provides a button to view a log of what happened.  
The log is blank.  Also it does not ask for my GPG password.  Known 

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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