VGA mode not supported

Alan Dacey GrokIt at
Sat Nov 22 14:10:49 UTC 2008

Art Alexion wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 9:15 PM, David McGlone <d.mcglone at> wrote:
>> I managed to get a half working X. Enough to enable the restricted
>> driver for my graphics card.
> Has anyone figured out a way to get the restricted modules working
> from, say, aptitude on tty3 so that I don't need to struggle "to get X
> working enough to enable the restricted driver"?

I just picked up this thread and the older ones were deleted from my inbox so if 
this has been covered already, please excuse.  Have you tried EnvyNG?

 From the command line:
	sudo apt-get install envyng-core envyng-qt
Once installed:
	envyng -t

"The second most satisfying thing in life is to totally understand a complicated 
concept.  If you are very lucky you may attain *the* most satisfying thing in 
life and actually grok it."
author unknown
Things I grok: 0

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