Kde 4.1.3 beside kde 3 on 8.04

David McGlone d.mcglone at att.net
Sat Nov 22 00:50:52 UTC 2008

On Friday 21 November 2008 7:23:51 pm Michael Hirsch wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 1:25 PM, David McGlone <d.mcglone at att.net> wrote:
> > I want to install kde 4.1.3 alongside kde 3 on 8.04. Kubuntu's website
> > said to check the unsupported updates in adept then click the upgrade
> > button. Does this mean the "full upgrade" button or the "version upgrade"
> > button.
> >
> > either button sounds like it will overwrite my kde3 and I don't want
> > that, All I want is the latest release of kde 4. Looking at adept with
> > unsupported updates enabled, kdebase-kde4 is still at 4.0.5. I want 4.1.
> I can't help with that, but there are instructions for runinng KDE 3.5
> and the latest KDE 4 on 8.10 instead.   Instructions are here:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963695
> I've been KDE3 on three 8.10 systems and it works well.  I haven't
> tried the KDE4 installs.
> Hmm, looks like the KDE3 repository for 8.10 servers are down right
> now.  Don't know when they'll be back.  Soon, I hope.

So far I've been running 8.10 with kde4 and I have to give it to the 
programmers at KDE They really did a suburb job thus far!!!!!!

Only problem I had was getting my graphics card working after the install. I 
got lucky and was able to push the menu button on my monitor and use "auto" to 
give me a GUI which only showed a little more than half the screen, but it was 
enough to get in and enable the restricted driver for my graphics card and 

What I've found that is so cool so far is the alt-tab window switcher. It 
still blows my mind and sometimes I open a bunch of windows just to use it.. 
LOL. I can't wait to use it in front of a windows user, make em all jealous. 
David M.

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