linking folders

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Fri Nov 21 20:03:20 UTC 2008

Hi All,

I'm trying to achieve something that I don't think ln will help me achieve.

I have a separate partition that I save all my files on and on this partition 
I have folders for music, movies, etc, etc.

What I would like to do is, have folders in home that I can use as if they 
were in my /home.

I set up symlinks to show the contents of the other drive in folders in /home, 
but if I write to them, the folders on the extra partition do not update.

I'm wondering if it's possible to achieve this on a folder by folder basis, 
instead of having to mount the whole partition on my /home and without having 
to make the folders on the separate partition network folders and mounting 
them with samba.

David M.

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