problem cleaning up old drive

nepal google nepal.roade at
Fri Nov 21 19:07:07 UTC 2008

On Friday 21 Nov 2008, Hakan Koseoglu wrote:
> Hi Nepal,
> nepal google wrote:
> Since your machine didn't have any swap when you sent your 
last mail, this is interesting, this line from 
your /etc/fstab points to your swap partition:
> > UUID=7cf78f1c-76a3-40c8-bdff-7c8b4570b8d0 none         
> >   swap    sw              0       0
> Something had gone wrong with that disk and this UUID
> couldn't be found and was not enabled. Now, this might
> not be important - all it means is it wasn't loaded up 
> and you weren't using it to start with.

ok, I understand that, thanks.


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