How do I import my address book from from Thunderbird to Kmail in Hardy?

Martin Laberge mlsoft at
Thu Nov 20 22:03:01 UTC 2008

On Thursday 20 November 2008 05:36:29 David Fletcher wrote:
> I've not been following this thread, but a thought just occurred to me:-
> When I wanted to copy the contents of my kaddressbook from my desktop computer 
> to my laptop, I did, I think, an export as CSV list from my desktop and 
> copied that file to my laptop.
> Now, the strangeness. To import that CSV file, you have to specify to 
> Kaddressbook the format as you open it. It needs an option selected from a 
> drop-down, if I remember correctly, to specify what the headers mean, or 
> something like that. If I ran the import facility using Kontact, that drop 
> down list was empty, so I was unable to import my CSV file. If I shut down 
> Kontact and ran Kaddressbok directly, that drop down list in the import  
> facility was populated and had an option that was the obvious choice, and the 
> import worked perfectly. I could then shut down Kaddressbook and restart 
> Kontact, and all my information was there.
> This might be irrelevant to this particular thread, but useful to somebody.
> Dave

Export your adressbook in vcf format,
it will contain self defining contents.

Martin Laberge
mlsoft at
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...

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