free webspace

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 20 21:59:05 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> You are right in the middle of why it is taking me so long to learn the 
>> OS.  I am 65, totally alone, only have expert help here, and I never was 
>> an intellectual.  If I didn't love this stuff so much, I would have quit 
>> years ago.  To show you where I am, yesterday was the first time I got 
>> in the help and manual section of the OS.  I have been fighting to stay 
>> afloat by experimenting with code placed in a posts for perhaps even 
>> different purposes than my need.  I have crashed my system to re-install 
>> so many times, you would think I be there by now.  But my human memory 
>> is quite defective, and I have to go through a successful process 
>> several times before it anchors on anything permanently, consequently it 
>> takes a long time for me to make little steps forward.  Nonetheless, 
>> with entry to the manuals I have a chance.  I am overwhelmed by the 
>> available help.  It is just a thrill.  I am so happy with the new access 
>> to information that I laugh with nothing funny happening.  Terminology 
>> is a little much for me sometimes, but a lot is starting to sink in.  If 
>> I had close contact with a specialist, I think I could speed things up.  
>> I just don't know.  My goal is to be able to adequately use the Shell, 
>> before I croak.  I literally love all you who are helping me.  You have 
>> no idea my gratitude.  I have struggled for months to learn simple 
>> solutions in the past.  That is how it is when you don't know where to 
>> start, don't know how to get there and don't have an educated friend to 
>> help you.  I read every post, every day; some is sinking in.
>>> 2. Whenever you want to illustrate things via a screenshot, it is a VERY 
>>> BAD, BAD, BAD idea to post it to the mailing list, since it floods 
>>> anyones mailbox, broadband and modem users alike.
>> As you can see, I did not post my screenshot.  But I did invite the 
>> possibility.  I am so grateful for the help, I don't want to anger 
>> anyone on the list by doing something inappropriate.  Shoot, I don't 
>> even know the right questions to ask most of the time.  And I am 
>> surprised when you can understand my ramblings, because I rarely 
>> understand your instructions.
> Hi Steven,
> thanks much for explanation. This helps to understand each other much 
> better.
> Now, when I said; You are welcome, I reallly, really meant it like this!!
> You are wellcome to ask any question, ask again, when the gurus here are 
> over your head (they are over my head more often than I think is ok and 
> personally I cannot understand why a newbie question is answered with a 
> details that a newbie will not understand... Anyway, you are welcome to 
> ask once again and continue as long as you need it.
> This is the nature of Linux and there imho is no one who knows it all.
>> How can I reveal my existing condition then, with my limited knowledge.  
>> I thought if you saw my Disk&FileSystems page you could see how I 
>> screwed up the process by experimenting and see how to make things work 
>> better.  Shoot, sometimes I format, just to get rid of the crud I have 
>> made and to start clean again.
>>> Instead get some space on the web.
>> Here is something I don't even understand.  What space and where, and if 
>> it costs very much, I am unable.  
> Here you go:
> Furthermore, it is worth checking whether your internet and/or mail 
> provider is already offering some webspace for free with their services.
> Then you simply use a graphical ftp program and transfer your 
> screenshot, login files, basically anything that is useful to illustrate 
> your problem and what you have done to solve it.
>>> Your wellcome
>>> Eberhard
Hi friend,

I probably have web space.  I have a DSL account with AT&T.Yahoo.  
Anyway, I really don't want to interact with the general public, 
however, I though a site that worked more or less like a chat program 
would be good.  Or just a big blank page, where I could upload the 
larger doc's for view by the list, then remove them as they have served 
their purpose.  Was that your idea or someone else's.  Anyway, I got the 
project started, but haven't got it running yet.  This was a very good 
day for learning.  Thanks to you and all.

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