Inexperienced with shell, however, trying to learn how to use terminal to fix mount problem.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Nov 20 16:02:59 UTC 2008

nepal google wrote:
> On Thu 20 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>>    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id
>>  System /dev/sda1   *           1        1824  
>>  14651248+  83  Linux /dev/sda2            1825      
>> 24792   184490460    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA) /dev/sda5        
>>   16523       24792    66428775   83  Linux /dev/sda6    
>>        1825        2006     1461852   82  Linux swap /
>> Solaris /dev/sda7            2007       16522  
>> 116599738+  83  Linux
> useful tip Steve,
> when displaying things like this within KMail, if you right 
> click with the mouse on the message body itself, and 
> select "use fixed font" it will display your info correctly 
> aligned in nice columns. When you've finished looking at 
> it, just right click again to use your normal font.
> nepal.
Dear Nepal,

I haven't been able to get the smtp functioning on Kmail, so I am using 
Thunderbird.  I could not find the option for 'use fixed font'.  I found 
fixed width and clicked on it and will repost.  Thanks.  Can I just 
leave it on fixed width, or is that a problem for regular sending?  
Fixed width is the reason the print changed in this response, isn't it?  
Thanks, Steven

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