How do I convert a to html or some extention that can be read in a Microsoft OS?

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Thu Nov 20 15:36:23 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 11 November 2008 11:11:08 am Steven Vollom wrote:
> >>    
> >
> > to get a listing of all files, try "ls"
> > the Desktop is "Desktop" iirc
> >  
> I have deleted previous comments; I was told by the moderator that my
> post was getting too long.
> The attachment shows the result of ls, mozilla.pdf appears, but not when
> I look at my desktop.  the file extension is .ps on my desktop.  The
> attachment shows my desktop with the most recent terminal picture.

I can see from your screen shot that you are running the command from your 
home directory (~ or /home/steven), but your question reveals that the file is on your Desktop (~/Desktop or /home/steven/Desktop).  So, 
ps2pdf can't find the file and errors out.

You have to tell ps2pdf where to find the file.  There are two ways to do 
this.  One way is to give it a path.  Instead of 

	steven at Studio25:~$ ps2pdf mozilla.pdf


	steven at Studio25:~$ Desktop/ps2pdf Desktop/mozilla.pdf

or just change to the directory and execute the command.

	steven at Studio25:~$ cd Desktop/
	steven at Studio25:~/Desktop$ ps2pdf mozilla.pdf

By the way, you don't need to specify the output file for ps2pdf if you just 
want to change the extension.  So


gives the same result as

	ps2pdf mozilla.pdf

You only need to specify the output file if (1) you want to give it a 
different name, or (2) you want it created in a different location.  An 
example of both: 

	steven at Studio25:~/Desktop$ ps2pdf ../Documents/meaningful_name.pdf
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