Keyboard problem in 8.10

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed Nov 19 21:39:49 UTC 2008

2008/11/19 Bruce Marshall <bmarsh at>:
> I've mentioned this before but no one responded.
> I first put 8.10 on a lab computer to see what it was like.  I noticed that
> the "left arrow" key did not work when in KDE4 although it did work when I
> was in a true console session (out of X altogether)
> I thought it might have something to do with KDE4 but yesterday I put KDE3
> onto 8.10 and the problem still exists...  so it must lie in the X server.
> But yes, I also thought there might be something quirky with the keybd itself.
> Today I put 8.10 on my main computer and the problem is still there.  Totally
> different computer.
> I am very surprised no one else has experienced this problem.
> I would download the 8.10 iso again but it's a moot point now...  I won't be
> using Intrepid anyway, with or without KDE3.  I saw too many other problems
> to make me want to use it.     Sad.

I had some problems with my keyboard and was testing things and ended
up with no arrow keys. I think it was related to what driver you use
for the keyboard both in xorg.conf and/or in KDE settings. I now use a
default xorg.conf (no driver for the keybooard) and in system settings
evdev managed. All normal keys work and most of the multimedia keys.

/ Jonas

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