Kmail configuration problem.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Wed Nov 19 20:01:09 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I am using Hardy, KDE 3.5.10.  When I check "Check what the server
>> supports" it returns to the previous window.  _There is no advanced
>> tab. _
> That's fine - I imagine there's a few changes in the windows between 
> versions, but the advanced tab was just where you currently find the SMTP 
> authorization settings.  Once you've checked what the server supports, 
> everything should be set validly except the username/password, set those
> and you should be good to go.
I did, but it still doesn't work.  I am studying Kwallet right now.  
Even before it was installed, kwallet would interrupt things over and 
over.  It insisted that I use it.  So I installed it and am trying to 
get it to work properly.  It seems like everything is configured 
properly, with those who are helping in agreement, but when Kwallet 
starts trying to get me to put Kmails password in it, to continue I have 
to select the choices it gives and the result is a screwed send.  Since 
configuration seems Ok, isn't it possible that something about Kwallet 
not working properly because it isn't installed properly is getting in 
there and screwing things up?  Anyway, it is an idea of mine, so I will 
proceed until someone includes help that fixes the problem.  Thanks for 
your continued interest and help, friend.


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