Kmail configuration problem.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Wed Nov 19 18:00:19 UTC 2008

David Fletcher wrote:
> On Wednesday 19 November 2008 17:07:51 Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Port is 465 for smtp and 995 for pop.  I tried 587; the test email went
>> to the Outbox.  Couldn't make connection with the server.  I am getting
>> more convinced it is a kwallet problem.  And I cannot configure Kwallet,
>> it says it is installed, but I can't find it.  I am going into my saved
>> emails, there is a way to use something called 'locate', but I can't
>> remember what to type in.  I saved an email about that.  Thanks everyone.
> You have actually got a kwallet? It should be in
> ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet
> and the kde default file name is kdewallet.kwl
> If it's not there, use kwalletmanager to create a new wallet with the default 
> name, then it should work.
> BTW on my home computer I've used a different.kwl name for my wallet, then 
> found the KDE setting somewhere to make it use that instead of the normal 
> name. Then, I can have the normal, default wallet name on my laptop and any 
> other computers I use, plus copy my other wallet file onto these machines as 
> is and have all my bank account etc. passwords available without messing up 
> WPA etc settings on the laptop machine.
> Dave
The shell confuses me so much.  I typed in ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet  -  
I got
bash: /home/steven/.kde/share/apps/kwallet: is a directory - I typed in
steven at Studio25:~$ cd ~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet  -  I got
steven at Studio25:~/.kde/share/apps/kwallet$

What do I have to do to get a gui where I can configure Kwallet?  Thanks!


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