How do I locate Kwallet configuration.

nepal google nepal.roade at
Wed Nov 19 17:40:42 UTC 2008

On Wed 19 November 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
> Several months ago, I foolishly removed kwallet from my
> computer.  I want to rectify that mistake.  I have
> re-installed the package, however, I cannot find it in
> the Kmenu.  I attempted to open it by typing kwallet in
> the shell, also kdewallet, but that returned nothing.  If
> it is installed, how can locate, open, and configure it. 
> I think its installation will solve other problems I
> have.  TIA
> Steven

from the menu select
application manuals
wallet management tools

it is all explained in there. I read it this afternoon.

it is relatively simple to follow.


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