rsync home to new partition

list at list at
Tue Nov 18 22:56:42 UTC 2008

 After fooling around with rdiff as su I've fouled up my installation
of Kubuntu. No worries as I've reinstalled in a newly created
partition sda6 mounted as root. The old root partition, sda1 is
visible and mounts at /media/disk.
 Now before I foul up again I'd like a bit of help with the command
line to rsync the user files from the old home directory to the
current home directory without copying any hidden or system files.
 It'll be along the lines of 
 rsync "?" v /home /media/disk/home
 Next step how to reclaim the space in sda1?
 also Derek mentioned a way of getting nntp access to this list, how
 Andrew Heggie
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