executable on a thumb drive

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Nov 18 15:02:36 UTC 2008

Willy Hamra wrote:

> 2008/11/18 Constantinos Maltezos <pandarsson at yahoo.com>:
>> I recently tried to install a Linux program (Writer's Cafe) onto one
>> of my
>> thumb drives.  The thumb drive is, of course, formatted to vfat,
>> which makes every file executable.  

Not really.

> i'm not sure about this, or what exactly is the option needed, but
> could it be an executable mount option? give mount an option to allow
> executables on this device? maybe put this option in fstab?

Indeed.  Removable media are generally _not_ executable (I've never quit 
figured out why):

$ mount | grep scd0
/dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom0 type iso9660 

Mount with the "exec" option (I'm _sure_ you can do that on a per-device 
basis, but I can't remember how, short of editing the hal .fdi files).

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