Can't find Compiz?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Nov 18 01:17:58 UTC 2008

Several months ago, when I upgraded to Hardy, I tried Compiz Fusion.  I 
was not very successful with it, so I removed it.  I wanted to try it 
again, because I am building a new computer with lots of memory and 
thought it could handle it better.  Nonetheless, when I installed Compiz 
again, and I am pretty sure it installed about a dozen packages, the 
only evidence I can find of it is a thing called Desktop Effects in the 
System choice of the Kmenu.  I clicked on the button that seemed most 
intensive, but I can't find anything, like configuration options or 
features or anything at all.  I notice that when I open or close a file, 
it kind of zooms in or out, but that cannot be all there is to Compiz.

What do I do to access those features?  TIA.


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