kde folder problem

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Mon Nov 17 19:47:20 UTC 2008

Mani A wrote:

> I had a problem with the settings in Kubuntu-8.10  (fresh install)
> (the screen became blank after I applied some desktop effects from
> system settings).
> So I deleted .kde (that helped in 8.04 kde4).

Let that be a lesson - never delete, rename.  If everything works after 
the rename, _then_ you can delete.

I'm surprised, though - imo it's a bug if kde can't start without a .kde 
> But kde4 cannot startup and neither can I use the terminal in xfce
> other desktops. The error seems to be a permission problem.
> But even after changing permissions for the new .kde directory, the
> problem persists.

How do you know it's a permission error?   Do you have a message you 
could show us?  fwiw, my .kde is 770 permissions.
> I tried reinstalling many base components too.

That shouldn't matter.
> How should I proceed?

Do you have a .xsession_errors file?  Much nice stuff usually ends up in 

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