In the market for a new MP3 player

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at
Mon Nov 17 18:14:45 UTC 2008

On Monday 17 November 2008, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> My old Creative Nomad Zen Xtra has been a good workhorse for about six
> years now, but recently it's started to show its age; it reboots
> randomly and the KZenExplorer software no longer talks to it (although
> Amarok does, which is peculiar). So I'm in the market for a new
> MP3/media player. My ideal player would play videos as well as MP3's
> and ogg files. Ideally there would be some desktop software which
> could manage the files on the thing, including playlists (Amarok, for
> all its coolness, fails miserably in this regard). I'm open to getting
> an iPod but I'm told the latest ones do not play well with Linux.
> I'm open to all suggestions. Thanks!

Take a look at the Cowan Iaudio line.   I have two of the units...  One is the 
size of a pack of cigarettes (remember those?)  and the other is a little 
bigger than a pack of gum.

Both will play video although I don't do that....   and the battery life is 
excellent.   Almost all of the Cowan units will play mp3, ogg, and many of 
the Windows formats.

Here's the small unit - an Iaudio 7   They come in various memory sizes:

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