broken bluetooth after upgrade to 8.10

Sundar Nagarajan sundar.personal at
Sun Nov 16 09:02:21 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> It's in the Release Notes:
> Bluetooth support
> "Bluetooth is not supported in Kubuntu 8.10 because KDE does not yet
> support the bluez 4.x stack required for compatibility with the kernel
> used in 8.10. A fix for this is being evaluated as a post-release
> update. (Bug 280997)"

So which bluez stack version _DOES_ Kubuntu 8.10 support? This seems 
like a *silly* mistake - compiling KDE against a libbluetooth2 version 
that is incompatible with the kernel bluetooth interface.

If I hadn't read it myself in the release notes you linked I would not 
have believed it. I would have thought that the regression test for 
libbluetooth2 (which I presume is what KDE would use) would include 
testing against the shipped kernel version. In fact, I cannot imagine 
what testing would have been possible against libbluetooth2 in 8.10 at 
all (unless it was decided not to ship libbluetooth2 because of 


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