Setting kmail font size for printing in KDE 3.5 on Intrepid

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Sun Nov 16 05:16:34 UTC 2008

Michael Hirsch wrote:
> Now that I upgraded to intrepid I can print again.  (Yay!)  So I
> printed something from kmail.  It printed fine, but the font is way to
> small.  I use 12 point    fonts to display in kmail, but this was more
> like 9 point when it printed.
> I can't find anything that sets the print font size.  Anyone know how
> to do this?
> Thanks,
> Michael
I posted similarly.  I have been using Thunderbird.  I can change the 
print size, however only in the window where you read, write and reply.  
All the menu fonts and option remain in small print.  I am older and 
want all fonts larger, now that I have a monitor large enough to take 
advantage of large fonts.

I haven't even been able to get Kmail back in my system and working.


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