How do I get Kmail to show on the Kmenu/Internet dropdown again?

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Nov 16 00:40:25 UTC 2008

Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Saturday 15 November 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> It's not quite _that_ bad, but I can't figure out why I can run
>> kmenuedit, but I _can't_ find kmenuedit on the menu...
> Cuz it's a right click on the 'Big K'?

OK, that's too simple for my complicated mind... :-)

Still, kmenuedit should be _on_ the menu, and it should (as it was in 
3.5) be possible to edit a particular application's .desktop file from 
the menu - if you right click on app, all you get is "Add to favorites" 
and "Add to panel"

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