For those who were following and assisting the *EMERGENCY* build problem.

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Sat Nov 15 16:48:45 UTC 2008

2008/11/15 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
> When ASUS responded to my help request, they gave a very complete check
> list.  I went through it item by item.  Finally I got to where they
> suggested I remove the processor.  The instruction was to attempt boot
> with no processor attached to see if I could get a verbal instruction
> saying no processor or a warning, I think to confirm it was a problem
> with the board.  When I attempted to remove the Heat Sink, the processor
> wouldn't release.  I checked an made sure that the clamps that hold the
> Heat Sink in place were not still attached or caught on anything.  They
> were not, so I continued to apply upward pressure until the Heat Sink
> separated.  It resisted, so I continued to apply pressure until it
> finally came loose.  When I looked at the bottom of the Heat Sink, the
> processor was still stuck to it.  The clamp that holds down the
> processor was still down and in place, so the processor came loose from
> the motherboard without releasing.  Following that part of the
> procedure, I sent my reply to ASUS.  They have not responded yet.  Right
> now, the Heat Sink is setting on my assembly table face up with the
> processor stuck firmly to its bottom.  I can't seem to move or break it
> free, and coupled with my concern over the amount of pressure I had to
> apply to get the Heat Sink to release from the motherboard, I am
> apprehensive about applying more force without further instruction.  Not
> having the experience, with experience I probably would have sought
> additional help in releasing the Heat Sink before the Processor released
> in the manner it did.  In case nothing is actually damaged, I will wait
> for additional help.  Have you experienced anything like this, ie.
> Processor firmly stuck to Heat Sink?  Any further input would be
> gratefully received.  Steven

No i have never seen that. Some times the thermal paste would make it
stuck some but never so much that it will pull a "locked" CPU out of
the socket. Can't think of any suggestions right now. Sorry.

/ Jonas

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