Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 14 21:58:10 UTC 2008

_I deleted some data to reduce the load.
> Otoh, if you are connecting more fans, than having fan connectors on the 
> motherboard, you will most likely not need any fan control at all. ;-))
> Kind regards
> Eberhard
The chasis fans are connected to the powersupply and are always on.  
Nonetheless, they include a 3 speed switch.  At the fastest mode of 
operation, they are loud enough to hear, but unless I need that much 
cooling, I will opt for a slower speed.  I cannot even hear them at the 
slow speed.  I am not worried about the case fans anyway, I was 
concerned about the Heat Sink fan.  I think my troubles are greater, 
today.  I have been in an ASUS MB forum for my specific MB, and I am 
finding that first time installation with my particular components 
sometimes has bios problems that can cause the problem.  If my BIOS is 
too old out of the box, I will have to copy a later BIOS on a thumb 
drive and upgrade.  This is a big problem, since I can't even get a boot 
to the current BIOS, and without the system at that point, I cannot 
upgrade the BIOS even if I have it.  The suggestions are that I install 
an older processor, which I don't have, upgrade the BIOS and reinstall 
the Quad processor.  This motherboard is made for Dual and Quad 
processors.  I haven't figured the solution to that possibility yet.  
And of course one of the components may be bad, even though everything 
is new.  It is pretty frustrating, because I am old and unsure of my 
experience level, and I have no one to consult who lives close to me, or 
even far away for that matter excepting this forum.  My new monitor came 
today which completes the components, and it requires a video card with 
resolution of 1680 x 1050, the max I can get from my current card is 
1280 x 1024, so apparently I can't use it until I have the new system up 
and running.  I think the resolution problem is due to the fact that I 
had to use Linux drivers which provided 1280 x 1024 as maximum.

I am writing too much, but there are suggestions I need to mention too.  
It is suggested that I remount the heat sink, the processor, and the 
memory.  It has been suggested that I remove the motherboard, put it on 
the box it came in and install minimums, with 1 stick of memory on B1.  
Since I don't have the paste you put on them when reinstalling, I am 
dubious of removing them, both memory and processor.  And it is hard for 
me to get a ride to get the supplies I may need.  And all the 
suggestions appear to cost money which I don't have much.  It is 
difficult for me to experiment by purchasing new power supplies, 
processors, memory, etc. without knowing that the purchase solves the 
problem.  I wish I were more intelligent.

I feel under so much pressure.  I am concerned about making an 
unrecoverable mistake, and in the ASUS forum solutions the posters are 
talking about purchasing and trying several expensive power supplies, 
multiple purchases of processors that I saved almost a year to purchase 
the one I have, and unending supplies of used equipment which they can 
install just for testing.

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