Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Nov 13 22:07:01 UTC 2008

Paul Rumelhart wrote:
> I'm not an expert in this, but I'll throw out there what I know, 
> anyway.  My first suggestion is double and triple check your 
> connections.
I have done that.
>   Make sure any cards are seated firmly in their slots, make 
> sure the memory is pushed in far enough that the little holders click 
> over the top of them.
I don't have any cards installed.  The on-board video is nVidia 8400 
Gforce; I only installed the two new hard drives, Maxtor SATA 500gb 
each.  The DVDRW and floppy drives will come out of this computer, when 
I get the new one set up, so there are only normal power and board 
connections excepting the Hard drives, and I checked them again.  There 
are no ribbon cables.
>   Make sure the CPU is firmly seated.
Both the Processor and the Mempipe cooling system of the motherboard 
have factory installed coatings.  I am a little apprehensive about 
taking them apart to re-seat them unless I have some of the material you 
coat the with.  I don't have any right now.
>   Make sure 
> all the power connectors are on all the hard drives and CD/DVD drives.  
> Make sure the ribbon cables are as well.
> The beep usually means (from my experience, anyway) that some hardware 
> component is not correctly installed.
My existing system has a beep when it boots.  Is it possible that is 
what the beep is about on the new system?
>   It's part of the pre-boot 
> hardware checking a computer goes through.  I've also had it happen if a 
> component gets fried, but I wouldn't worry about that since everything 
> is presumably new.
There are no smells to indicate heat probs.
> I see others have already replied with the same kind of info.  Good luck 
> with it.  I remember my first time building a computer from scratch.  
> It's nerve-wracking.
Thanks for the help Paul; I am responding to this directly because the 
post limit is 40kb, and I am not sure when that point comes.  As soon as 
the new monitor arrives, I will attempt booting the new bios.  If there 
doesn't seem to seem to be any problem or warnings, I will presume 
installation was normal.

> Paul
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I just put together my new computer.  I have never built one before.  I 
>> got to the point where the power is supposed to be turned on.  I left 
>> the side off the computer to adjust fan speed on two of the fans that 
>> came with the case.
>> When I turned the computer on, the case fans came on.  There was a 
>> single beep.  Nonetheless the fan on the heat sink did not come on, and 
>> it is fixed to the power post of the motherboard that was made for it.
>> I shut down the chttp://start.ubuntu.com/8.04/omputer because I believe the processor creates a lot 
>> of instant heat, but I don't know what to do next.  My components are as 
>> follows:
>> ASUS M3N-HT Delux Mempipe
>> Processor is AMD Phenom Quad Black Box 9600
>> Power supply is BFG Tech ATX12Volt  ES Series
>> Two Maxtor 500gb SATA HD's.
>> The case fans are connected to the Power Cable that goes to the DVDRW & 
>> Floppy Drive
>> The heat sink fan goes directly to the motherboard.
>> All the components are new.  The case did not come with a speaker that 
>> would indicate the beeps that advise problems.
>> I am using the on-board Video, 8400 Gforce for now; also I am using 
>> on-board sound 8.1.
>> Does anyone know if the fan over the Heat Sink not being on is normal 
>> when first turning the computer on?  It took me a year to assemble the 
>> components for my new computer; I can't afford to burn anything up.
>> I am very worried.  Could someone who knows please respond?
>> Steven

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