Kde3.5 / Kde4.x OR Kde3.5 / Nde1.x
magick.crow at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 17:42:35 UTC 2008
> The problem is to have to rewrite it all.
> 250,000 lines of c++ code, for internal use,
> who have been maintained almost without change
> for the last 10 years, in 3 versions of QT.
> the QT1 , Qt2 and Qt3 versions, are all with the
> SAME source code.
> When a new version of Qt was released with my distrib,
> I just had to make clean ; make ; in the main directory
> of the application source, and we had a new executable.
> (Yes a program can be compiled on these 3 versions without change)
> --
> Martin Laberge
I have never programmed with ether lib but I am sure most of your
program must still work. I would think that the only changes would
have to come in the I/O and GUI section of the code and then how much
can be that different?? Again I have not even looked at the libs but
have used a bunch of gui packages. You always have a messaging system
and boxes and button etc.
If the program is well written than most of the GUI stuff should be
separate from the work code anyway.
Douglas E Knapp
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