Kde3.5 / Kde4.x OR Kde3.5 / Nde1.x

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Thu Nov 13 12:31:12 UTC 2008

Knapp said...
> >> Almost nothing similar in basic system management,
> >
> > Not that I can see....  I'm still managing my system as I used to.
> >
> >> Almost nothing similar in API,
> >
> > Certainly more true.
> >
> >> Maybe there is a lesson here. (hum ???)
> >>
> >> But with all my 30 years of computing, from punch-cards to usk-keys,
> >> I just don't know what the lesson is.    :-)
> >
> > Nor I.
> I have been a programmer for a long time also. Yes it sucks to loose
> all your work. I used to have that happen a lot because the systems
> were so poor that things go deleted or corrupted or in a very recent
> case my baby, 8 months, took my laptop highlighted the whole program
> and then typed a bunch of random letters and saved it, all in 3
> minutes while I was getting a bite to eat. Naturally your first
> reaction is one of anger and frustration. Then you calm down and just
> rewrite it.

My first reaction would be to ask myself how I "forgot" to use version 


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