Kde3.5 / Kde4.x OR Kde3.5 / Nde1.x
magick.crow at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 10:30:20 UTC 2008
>> Almost nothing similar in basic system management,
> Not that I can see.... I'm still managing my system as I used to.
>> Almost nothing similar in API,
> Certainly more true.
>> Maybe there is a lesson here. (hum ???)
>> But with all my 30 years of computing, from punch-cards to usk-keys,
>> I just don't know what the lesson is. :-)
> Nor I.
I have been a programmer for a long time also. Yes it sucks to loose
all your work. I used to have that happen a lot because the systems
were so poor that things go deleted or corrupted or in a very recent
case my baby, 8 months, took my laptop highlighted the whole program
and then typed a bunch of random letters and saved it, all in 3
minutes while I was getting a bite to eat. Naturally your first
reaction is one of anger and frustration. Then you calm down and just
rewrite it. I have never had something rewritten like this not come
out at least 3 times better than the first copy. The writing goes very
fast with few bugs and the code is cleaner as is the design. I think
this is because you know what not to do and you know where you were
dumb the first time and and clean all that up and make something much
better. In the case of open source all the dusty bits of code can be
cleaned up also. In the end I feel that KDE4 will be a great thing,
after we get over the fact that redoing in all sucks.
Douglas E Knapp
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