Kde3.5 / Kde4.x OR Kde3.5 / Nde1.x
Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
Thu Nov 13 02:52:49 UTC 2008
Yes this has been tell before.
This is my way of seeing it.
Kde4 is not a Kde anymore, it is a New-Desktop-Environment
it is in fact Nde-1.x
We all are trying to compare kde3 and kde4 here.
this is not right.
kde4 is in fact a totally new environment,
totally different of others past kde's
with new sound system, new hardware control,
new file browser, new semantics, new...
>From Kde-1.x to Kde-3.x, a common sense have been
maintained, perfected, polished, customised, standardised, ...
Now with Kde4.x we all feel as we are in Nde-1.x
Almost nothing similar in basic system management,
Almost nothing similar in API,
since QT4 is not a sucessor of QT3, like Kde4 is not a sucessor of Kde3.
So the developpers all start from fresh, and convert old qt3
code to qt4 with automatic conversions, or use months
to get their applications as good in qt4/kde4 that they were in qt3/kde3.
So we all stall here, having a thriving system, polished, proved,
and liked by many, that we have to tell ourself, this is dead.
Suppose you are working on an application, that will be usable in 1 year,
you work on this for 3 to 4 years now, and you based it all on kde3/qt3.
you have 3 choice.
1 - you keep your system as is and continue to develop and grow your project.
(hoping that kde3 will be available when your solution is ready)
2 - you use kde4, then you restart all over again.
(and you hope to stabilise a solution before the floor goes away under your feet again)
3 - you begin to look at gtk. (hummmm, maybe there is something stable here???)
Maybe there is a lesson here. (hum ???)
But with all my 30 years of computing, from punch-cards to usk-keys,
I just don't know what the lesson is. :-)
(YES, some projects take 3 to 5 years to become usable at 0.9)
(Mine, is one of them. Restarting all over again, at 47, not sure...)
For 10 years, (from 1998 to 2008) I had a total Qt solution
for accounting/inventory for a big distribution company.
(the soft standed right, thru the cycle of Qt versions, without
almost any change in the code)
This passed from Qt1 to Qt2 to Qt3, without a itch. (maybe some little)
Now, Qt4/Kde4. My solution is Borked. Just to start all over again.
How much are we in this situation?
Kde is dead, long life to Nde-1.x :-(
Martin Laberge
mlsoft at videotron.ca
30 Years of Unix Admin, and still learning...
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