KDE 4.2 / Trunk

Clay Weber claydoh at midmaine.com
Thu Nov 13 00:51:42 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 12 November 2008 6:59:54 pm Paul Lemmons wrote:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: KDE 4.2 / Trunk
> From: Lindsay Mathieson <lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com>
> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com
> Date: 11/12/2008 04:26 PM
> > Anyone know how to install KDE trunk on Intrepid without doing it from
> > source? I'd rather stick to packages if possible.
> I have not heard that anybody has packaged KDE 4.2 yet ('Twould be nice
> if somebody tells me I am wrong). That is a very tedious and time
> consuming process; not one I am sure they want to do numerous times. I
> would not expect it to see it packaged until it is closer to going GA
> which is in January. If you want to look at it today, you will probably
> have to compile it yourself.

this has regular builds (not always daily) of KDE4.2svn for intrepid, installs 
to a separate $KDEHOME just as KDE4 is in hardy, so you log in to a kde-
nightly session.

Clay Weber

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