convert to html

Robert Parker rlp1938 at
Tue Nov 11 18:35:48 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 1:12 AM, Steven Vollom
<stevenvollom at> wrote:
> That's OK Bruce, but I still have a problem.  I am sure it is me.  Using
> Adept Package Manager, I type in imagemagik and nothing comes up.  Any
> ideas?

Open a terminal.
Just type:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Please note the spelling. It is a miss-spelling in English but you
have to spell it as above.

Once installed type:
     man imagemagick

and you will get a list of individual programs included in this package.
Don't bother with the man page for eg convert, just type:

   convert -help

to get a brief list of how to use it.

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