convert to html

Robert Parker rlp1938 at
Tue Nov 11 18:15:56 UTC 2008

On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 12:22 AM, Steven Vollom
<stevenvollom at> wrote:
> I have been getting a lot of help.  I think the problem is solved but I
> am not sure.  Recently, a file -- mozilla.pdf appeared on my Desktop.
> Just moments before it was not there, so apparently something that
> someone tried to help me with has worked.  I won't know until I attempt
> to make a copy on a Windows computer, and my friend is not at home right
> now.  I looked in Adept Package Manager for imagmagik and nothing came
> up.  Am I typing in the correct spelling?  Thanks for the help friend.
> I will post a resolved if it prints.

ps2pdf mozilla.pdf

The pdf will print from a Windows box.

In a world without walls who needs Windows (or Gates)? Try Linux instead!

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