Backing up.

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Mon Nov 10 19:46:11 UTC 2008

2008/11/10 Gene Heskett <gene.heskett at>:
> On Monday 10 November 2008, Knapp wrote:
>>Hello, I have been dumb for years and gotten away with it. Now I want
>>to start backing up my system.
>>What is the best software for this? Is there a system that backs up
>>only what you say and then every week or day or whatever does an
>>incremental backup perhaps linked to cron, so I don't have to think
>>about it? What is the best software?
>>Thanks from the backup stupid me.
>>Douglas E Knapp
> Are you able to build from a tarball?  If you are, the hands down best SW for
> the job is amanda.  I don't know how debs handle the various perms it
> requires, rpms don't do that well so its best built from source to fit your
> system.  It needs to be built as the user that is going to run it, it will
> NOT run as root for security reasons, but some pieces do need high perms to
> run, so it has to be installed by root after building it as the user.

Something wrong or missing from the version in the repro?

/ Jonas

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