nvidia problems (WAS: I give up to preach *ubuntu)

Ulrich Grün ulrich.gruen at gmail.com
Mon Nov 10 12:03:32 UTC 2008

Am Montag, 10. November 2008 11:54:43 schrieb Herman:
> Hello All,
> Kubuntu 8.10 failler
> I had the same problem, i change my videocard for an nvidia with 256 mb
> and Kubuntu 8.10 was working wel on it
> and then an update driver for the nvidiacard was availeble
> and after a restart it didend start any more, not even in failsafe
> So now i am back at Ubuntu 8.10 and this is working well, also with the
> new driver for the nvidiacard
> Some times when i startup the pc it is in 800x600 mode
> that was also with diferend OS
> i dont no why, but after an restart it works again.


I had some problems with my nvidia driver as well. The reason (and sollution) 
was simple: I had to rebuild the necessary nvidia kernel module to fit to the 
running kernel. 

Love and Light,

       " To faith only the holy is true, to knowledge only the true is holy "
                                           (L. Feuerbach)           

OS: Kubuntu 8.04 (Linux)                   Web: de.geocities.com/india_ulrich/

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