Mounting media - 8.10 Intrepid

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Sun Nov 9 16:56:37 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/11/9 Nigel Ridley <nigel at>:
>> How does the mdia mounting in 8.10 Intrepid work?
> I think that it is still done with hal, but hal has changed (and taken
> on new responsibilities) in *buntu 8.10.
>> It seems that it mounts when the taskbar icon 'Renectly mounted media (or something like that) is
>> clicked and then the item itself is clicked - which then opens it it Dolphin?!!
> Why not? Aren't you opening a direcotry? Are you suggesting that
> Kubuntu should recognize it as a video DVD and give an option to open
> in a media player? If so, that does sound logical and you (or I) can
> file a bug.

Sorry I should have said that it was a DVD that I inserted - so no, I didn't want Dolphin to open it.

>> Why is thee no
>> option about how or with what to open it? I wanted to watch a DVD and had to first open Xine then
>>  play the DVD.
>> Also, how does one unmount a mounted media?
> By right-clicking on the icon. I remember it being this way in KDE 3.x
> as well. How else would you prefer it to be?

Which icon? There are no icons on the desktop. The Panel 'New Device Notifier' widget? isn't very 
clear about anything. It would be helpful to have a 'tooltip' explanation about 
mounting/unmounting or 'safely Remove'.

>> There is no 'safely remove' menu item anywhere. I did
>> find in Dolphin an entry for the DVD and could right click on that and choose' Eject' but as soon
>> as the DVD drawer opened it closed again - one needs to have real good reflexes to get the disk
>> out before the drawer closes again!
> My system leaves the drawer open. Sounds like a bug.
>> Really wanted to like Intrepid but I think I shall wait until January when KDE 4.2 comes out.
> That really is the best idea. KDE 4.1 is workable but buggy. KDE 4.2
> is the first KDE 4.x that is meant to be feature complete.
>> Or perhaps I will install another WM - maybe Xfce and then just use the KDE apps that I like/need.
> XFCE is pretty decent if you are looking for a full-time switch. But
> if you just want something temporary until KDE 4.2 then I suggest that
> you stick with KDE 3.5.10.
>> P.S. Shame that they have crippled Konqueror in KDE
> It's not crippled, but it is not feature complete. Please tell me what
> you feel is missing so that I can file bugs. Thanks!

You're probably right about the missing features - or perhaps they want people to forget about 
Konqueror by making it more like Dolphin.
I really miss all the right click menu options and the extra info that pops up when the mouse 
pointer is hovered over a directory entry.
But maybe it's because it's still not feature complete....

Is there a roadmap for Konqueror in KDE 4?


Nigel - waiting for January......


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