Mounting media - 8.10 Intrepid

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Sun Nov 9 14:18:53 UTC 2008

2008/11/9 Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>:
> 2008/11/9 Nigel Ridley <nigel at>:
>> How does the mdia mounting in 8.10 Intrepid work?
> I think that it is still done with hal, but hal has changed (and taken
> on new responsibilities) in *buntu 8.10.
>> It seems that it mounts when the taskbar icon 'Renectly mounted media (or something like that) is
>> clicked and then the item itself is clicked - which then opens it it Dolphin?!!
> Why not? Aren't you opening a direcotry? Are you suggesting that
> Kubuntu should recognize it as a video DVD and give an option to open
> in a media player? If so, that does sound logical and you (or I) can
> file a bug.

Thats how it worked in Kubuntu 8.04 and earlier. I think that could be
related to that service menus don't work anymore. I posted a mail
about that but got no answers yet.

>> Why is thee no
>> option about how or with what to open it? I wanted to watch a DVD and had to first open Xine then
>>  play the DVD.
>> Also, how does one unmount a mounted media?
> By right-clicking on the icon. I remember it being this way in KDE 3.x
> as well. How else would you prefer it to be?
>> There is no 'safely remove' menu item anywhere. I did
>> find in Dolphin an entry for the DVD and could right click on that and choose' Eject' but as soon
>> as the DVD drawer opened it closed again - one needs to have real good reflexes to get the disk
>> out before the drawer closes again!
> My system leaves the drawer open. Sounds like a bug.

Looks like a bug as i have that to. If i push the eject button while
it's closing again it will open and stay open.

To safely remove you have a "down arrow" in the  "Recently mounted
media" widget you can click to unmount and eject. But there should
really be another GUI way to unmount medias without being forced to
use that widget.

> Dotan Cohen

/ Jonas

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