Kubuntu Intrepid 64 Bit

Girard Henri girardhenri at free.fr
Sun Nov 9 07:07:53 UTC 2008

I don't know but my acer aspire doesn't want to start in 32 bits ! lol
so i am scotched to 64 bits (which is not bad by the way)
compiling time are reduced at least by two !!!
and often one has to compile to get an app... which seems to be the case
with scilab 5 mysql-workbench ... etc...

Le dimanche 09 novembre 2008 à 10:19 +1000, Lindsay Mathieson a écrit :
> Are there any advantages to running Intrepid 64 bit over the std 32bit builds?
> -- 
> Lindsay
> http://members.optusnet.com.au/~blackpaw1/album 

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