Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Willy K. Hamra w.hamra1987 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 8 16:55:15 UTC 2008

Billie Walsh wrote:
> Art Alexion wrote:
>> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 6:17 PM, Steve Lamb <grey at dmiyu.org> wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>> I'm not entirely sure your hypothesis is provable.  I think I could say with
>>>> as much authority that Firefox and others have broken the stranglehold IE
>>>> had on the browser market because they provided features (like tabs) that
>>>> users wanted.
>>>    The adherence to standards also means not putting in questionable
>>> extension which cause security problems.  One of the main reasons people left
>>> IE in droves were concerns over security.  Were they leaving because of the
>>> adherence to standards?  No.  Was the adherence to standards part and parcel
>>> with good security practices?  Yes.
>> Well, you are absolutely right.  But they didn't make that connection
>> and weren't motivated by it.
>> Also, it was  that simple.  IE was designed to be insecure by the MS
>> marketing team who always chooses whiz-bang feature and integration
>> over security.  It didn't just fail to adhere to standard, it flouted
>> them.
> This sort of goes back to the "Browser War" between Microsoft and 
> Netscape. Microsoft wanted to dominate in the browser market so they 
> made their own "standard" and tied it to Microsoft products. When Java 
> came a long Microsoft added their own "standard" and tied it to their 
> own products. Still today a lot of web pages are made in Front Page 
> which automatically sets up things just for IE only. Supposedly the next 
> version of IE will be more Standards compliant, but I will believe it 
> when I see it.

dont believe it :P IE8 beta got an incredible 18/100 in the last ACID3
Test, a 4 point increase :P whereas firefox takes in 70s, konqi takes 78
in KDE4, used to take less i remember in KDE3.

Willy K. Hamra
Manager of Hamra Information Systems
Co. Manager of Zeina Computer & Billy Net
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