Changing from 32 to 64 bit, I need some 64 bit help.

Girard Henri girardhenri at
Sat Nov 8 14:51:50 UTC 2008

i run intrepid 64 bits, before kutuntu/ubuntu for few years now.
i think is better starting with intrepid now.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steven Vollom" <stevenvollom at>
To: "Kubuntu Help and User Discussions" <kubuntu-users at>
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 1:56 PM
Subject: Changing from 32 to 64 bit, I need some 64 bit help.

> Over the past year I have accumulated the components for a new
> computer.  I will be changing to 64 bit.
> Not having a 64 bit system, I have not been paying attention to the
> unique problems 64 bit users have had when installing and configuring a
> Kubuntu OS.  I would like to begin with a stable application, so which
> version should I start with?
> *The following is a request for advice on installing new equipment;
> since it doesn't concern Kubuntu, don't use your time reading it unless
> you have the time and/or experience to advise on assembly.
> *
> The motherboard and case are in transit right now as the last components
> necessary to build a functioning 64 bit system.
> The motherboard is a rather sophisticated unit, and I have some concerns
> about assembly.  If anyone has assembled a computer using an ASUS
> Mempipe motherboard would you advise any particular problem I may
> encounter installing the cooling system, or for that matter, any other
> area of concern when assembling a new system?
> I have never purchased and installed a new processor, but I am told the
> one I bought generates a lot of heat immediately, so I want to make sure
> I install it properly before firing up for the first time.  There seems
> to be a pre-coated area for contact between the processor and the heat
> sink.  Is that sufficient, or do I need to apply a coating made for that
> purpose?  I have heard of such a procedure.  The processor is an AMD
> quad 9600.
> On a rather fortunate last moment bid for some memory on Ebay, I
> purchased 12gb of Axiom ECC DDR2 memory.  I got it all for the minimum
> opening bid, so I have more memory than my board can handle and will
> probably have as much memory as I can use for the first time in my
> life.  The motherboard can handle 8gb.
> If my luck holds, I will win the bid on an 800W power supply which is
> suitable for the components I have.  Can I install that after installing
> the other components, or is there a potential hazard in choosing that
> order of installation?
> I am a little cautious because I am probably over my head with this
> installation, so should I only start with one 2gb stick, or should I go
> ahead and install all 8gb?  The complicated assembly of the heat pipe
> system of cooling for the memory makes me want to install it all at the
> same time, but I don't know if that is wise.
> If I have infringed on the etiquette of this forum by adding this
> assembly information request, I am very sorry.  Please advise so that I
> don't screw up again.
> Thanks for any help,
> Steven
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