Is this possible?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Nov 7 21:05:08 UTC 2008

Billie Walsh wrote:
> Art Alexion wrote:
>> On Friday 07 November 2008 8:53:53 am Billie Walsh wrote:
>>> I've asked this question before but no one seems to want to address it
>>> so I will restate it in another form.
>>> _Who is holding a gun to your head to force you to change to 8.10/4.x????_
>>> I presume, from the tone of many, that 8.04/3.5.10 is installed on most
>>> of your computers and working just fine. Doing what you want it to just
>>> the way you want it done. 8.04 will be supported for at least the next
>>> year and the "Ubuntu" part of it for another year plus after that.
>>> I'll answer my own question.
>>> _NO ONE!!_
>>> Here's the conundrum for the developers. They only have so much man
>>> power to develop Kubuntu or KDE. Right now KDE is going through a major
>>> change so _all_ their efforts need to be focused on making it work,
>>> leaving no time available to work on KDE 3.x. The Kubuntu developers had
>>> to make a decision based on this fact. Right or wrong I'm sure they made
>>> what to them seemed the best [ most logical ?? ] choice knowing full
>>> well that 8.04 would be supported, and stable/usable, for at _least_
>>> another year.
>>> If it's a production machine stick with 8.04/3.5.10 for at least the
>>> next year. If it's a play computer and your willing to put up with KDE
>>> 4.x while they get it "fixed", go for it. If your handing someone a
>>> disk, give them 8.04/3.5.10 and tell them not to upgrade till at least
>>> next spring and more likely next fall. It's not that hard to figure out.
>>> I have an OLD 386 Bondwell laptop under my desk that still runs DOS 6.22
>>> and Windows 3.1 just fine. That softwareis at least thirteen years past
>>> it's "expiration date". It still does what it's supposed to do. Old
>>> software/OS's don't die just because they have been replaced
>> OK, Billie, what do I do if I buy a new machine in the next year with hardware 
>> that isn't supported by 8.04, but is supported by 8.10?  What do I install?
>> The answer could be gnome, or possibly an entirely different distro.  But 
>> that's a shame, because I have worked with Ubuntu since 2004 and I am 
>> comfortable with it.  And before Kubuntu was available, you could still "sudo 
>> apt-get install kde" on Warty.
>> I don't control the distro and can't force its direction.  All I can do, with 
>> many of the others here, is try to influence its future path with our 
>> comments and posts.
> Do you _really_ expect hardware to make such a quantum leap that it 
> can't be used? Do you have some "insider" information that we all should 
> know about? *<];o)
> OK, to answer your question.
> Well................... If its about March I would install Kubuntu 9.04. 
> If its about November I would install Kubuntu 9.10.
> Hey, you asked.
> KDE 4.x will never be KDE 3.5.x. Thats a fact that can't be changed. 
> However, I do believe that within the next year it will improve by leaps 
> and bounds. I installed 8.10/4.1 on my computer on a separate hard drive 
> and have been playing with it a bit. Now, I'm no power user and my 
> computer wouldn't qualify as a "production machine" because I mostly 
> surf and do e-mail. There are things I don't like, BUT there are some 
> things I quite like. The more I play with it the more it grows on me. 
> I'm getting some of my files moved over and pushing buttons to see how 
> long it takes me to break it. However, I have no intention of scrapping 
> my 8.04/3.5.10 install anytime soon, but if I see it getting better I 
> just might.
> Just think. When KDE 5 comes out we will have this whole thing to go 
> through again. By then KDE 4.x will be every bodies mostest favorite 
> ever. Someone else already mentioned the flap when KDE 3 came out.
> Influencing it's [ KDE ] possible future direction would probably be 
> best done on a list that is more involved with the developers. Does no 
> good here. I can barely program my VCR. *<]:oD
Here is what I did.  I upgraded to 8.10, then downgraded KDE4 to 
KDE3.5.9 then upgraded to 3.5.10; so now I have 8.10 as an operating 
system and KDE 3.5.10 for a desktop and everything works fine.  When 
KDE4 is fixed, I will upgrade again, but everything works fine with the 
latest release of Kubuntu and the stable release of KDE.  I don't know 
what is different in operating that way, but it works fine, so I will 
have less to adjust to when 4 is stable.   Hope I didn't confuse 
anyone.  Steven

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