question on screenshots

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Fri Nov 7 17:57:25 UTC 2008

2008/11/7 Glenn R Williams <gloonie at>:
> On Friday 07 November 2008 10:14:03 David Fletcher wrote:
>> On Friday 07 Nov 2008, Glenn R Williams wrote:
>> > Hi Folks,
>> >
>> > I may be doing something wrong, but I can't get KDE to copy a screenshot
>> > or window to the clipboard. When I look at system settings, it says that
>> > both Ctrl-Print and Alt-Print are set, but when I use these combinations,
>> > nothing seems to happen.
>> >
>> > Can someone tell me how to take a screnshot of a window or the desktop?
>> I've always used ksnapshot, under the graphics section.
>> Dave
> Thanks, Dave. That worked for my purposes. It would be good to know if those
> print keys work as well, but this solved my immediate problem.
> Glenn


Khotkeys and Input Actions is broken in 4.1 it will have some
improvements in 4.2 don't know exactly what.
For short don't configure anything in Input actions or the Khotkeys in
the dropdown box in keyboard settings as it will mess thing up. I had
to delete the the configure files to be able to use keyboard shortcuts
after playing with the settings.
Use ksnapshot as suggested.

The bugs:

/ Jonas

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