Burning CD
Mark Fraser
kubuntu at mfraz.orangehome.co.uk
Fri Nov 7 17:29:04 UTC 2008
On Friday 07 November 2008 17:13:11 Jonas Norlander wrote:
> 2008/11/7 Ignazio Palmisano <ignazio_io at yahoo.it>:
> > Richard wrote:
> >> Willy K. Hamra wrote:
> >>> Richard wrote:
> >>>> Try to burn a audio cd, in all seems well,
> >>>> however, when playing the cd back, I notice, the volume
> >>>> level are different on each songs...
> >>>>
> >>>> How does one level out the volume for the audio tracks,
> >>>> on a burn cd?
> >>>>
> >>>> Are there any other application that I need to install?
> >>>>
> >>>> Ubuntu 8.04
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks!
> >>>> Rich
> >>>>
> >>>> PS: My buddy uses Vista, and makes a perfect
> >>>> audio cd.. he just had to rub that in.
> >>>
> >>> i'll assume you're using k3b, there is an option in the burn dialog to
> >>> level volumes. called "normalize volume levels", it's in the advanced
> >>> tab of the window that pops up when you click burn.
> >>> and did actually **vista** create the audio CD? or some program there
> >>> you have? in anyways, it doesn't really matter!
> >>
> >> Well, let I mention, my friend "Vista" machine, can
> >> rip into lossless format, WMA... and he can burn a audio cd,
> >
> > Lossless? I thought WMA was a lossy format like MP3, but might be wrong.
> > What size are the files it rips?
> > I.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Media_Audio#Windows_Media_Audio_Lossle
> Looks nice
Apart from that word starting with 'W' at the beginning.
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