Is this possible?

Constantinos Maltezos pandarsson at
Fri Nov 7 09:36:48 UTC 2008

On Friday 07 November 2008 2:46:01 am Knapp wrote:
> I will say it again. The problems are not with KDE changing and
> improving. That is the right thing for them to do!!!!!!!!!! The
> problem is with making a program, OS, Desktop the standard before it
> is ready!!!!! The set up of 8.04, with kde4 in the background is the
> way it should have stayed for at least one more year. Then when the
> change was made people would be saying WOW, GREAT. At the same time
> KDE3 should in this edition with the switch be an option in the
> background so that grumpy, hate to change types don't have to!
> The way this change is being done by Kubuntu is really bad (I would
> say stupid but I learn from others mistakes) IMOHO.
> --
> Douglas E Knapp

This is reasonable and I'll agree to it.  At least for Kubuntu.  The entire 
Ubuntu line is geared more toward beginners than pros (I know, that's 
oversimplifying, but it's true) and that should be taken into account.  I run 
both Kubuntu and opensuse and am pleased with both, but it's opensuse that I 
use KDE4 on.  I try to stay true to the Ubuntu ideal on the other machine.

That said, you could wait 10 years to release it and the same people to whom I 
refer would be complaining in the exact same way.  This has always been the 
case, as I pointed out in my previous post.

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