Why do people dislike Dolphin?
Derek Broughton
news at pointerstop.ca
Thu Nov 6 18:48:23 UTC 2008
Steve Lamb wrote:
> Knapp wrote:
>> OK, but that still misses the point. If I use FF, I don't need to go
>> to some special URL for dumb browsers.
I think you missed the point - NO browser application needs to ask what
browser I'm using. You _test_ what the browser supports, rather than
relying on the browser telling you what it is, so the gmail problem is
_gmail's_, not Konqueror's.
> On the other hand the stranglehold that IE had on the web is slacking
> precisely because of adherence to standards not of the de facto Microsoft
> kind. So there is something to be said to sticking to one's guns.
I'm not entirely sure your hypothesis is provable. I think I could say with
as much authority that Firefox and others have broken the stranglehold IE
had on the browser market because they provided features (like tabs) that
users wanted. When IE6 was released - without tabs - at a press conference
somebody asked why it didn't have tabs, and the response was that their
customers didn't want them. Funny how IE7 has tabs...
>> You know what is a really great browser is Dillo 2!!!! Wow, boots in
>> like a 0.1 seconds, renders pages in an eye blink. If it could just
>> run, all the codecs, java and javascript it would be really good!
> I wonder if it did all that if it would still boot in like 0.1 seconds
> and
> render pages in an eye blink. Fast, comprehensive, widespread... pick
> two... to paraphrase a saying. ;)
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