Volume conrtol via notebook multimedia keys

Michael Krueger mickrulist at voipfuture.com
Wed Nov 5 09:39:32 UTC 2008


I read that 8.10 should now support many of the multimedia key's available  
to notebooks and computers. I had to find out that my Dell XPS M1210  
doesn't seem to be among those supported. Since I have no clue how to  
solve that for me, I would like to at least offer my assistence for  
testing this feature on my notebook if anyone is interested and able to  
work on that.
I know that in general it should work, because it did under KDE 3.5.xx t
That tells me that Linux should be able to use those keys, but what is  
currently missing is the link to the kmix / amarok application.

Or do I have to manually enable those keys somewhere???


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