A compromise solution.

Kaj Haulrich kaj at haulrich.net
Tue Nov 4 20:46:24 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 21:28 +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/11/4 Kaj Haulrich <kaj at haulrich.net>:
> >> Kaj, Konqueror is still available in KDE 4.1. It does use Dolphin for
> >> the backend, but the UI is Konqueror as we know and love it.
> >
> > Yes Dohan, the konqueror as a web browser is still there, but try to use
> > it as a file manager.....    :-(
> >
> > Kaj Haulrich.
> >
> There are various threads going on right now at this list and others,
> but if you let me know what you feel is missing I will either let you
> know how to configure it or file bug reports on it. Konqueror uses the
> Dolphin component for file management, but it's own UI. So far as I
> understand, in KDE 4.1 the only thing missing from Konqueror as a file
> manager is the rich context menu. If anything else is missing, please
> let me know!

The feature I miss most of all is being able to select multiple files at
once (with the mouse) and perform batch operations on them, such as
'batch rename' with 'krename'. And, in the case of image files, to
create a web gallery, compress, resize them in one, fell swoop. In
Dolphin I have to select multiple files by pressing <Ctrl> + click for
each file and I can't perform batch operations on them, like with

Kaj Haulrich.

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