Thumb drive ext2 slow write speed

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Tue Nov 4 20:21:23 UTC 2008

2008/11/4 Jonas Norlander <jonorland at>:
> 2008/11/4 Nils Kassube <kassube at>:
>> Well, high speed is really vague, isn't it? OTOH, 1MB/s would be 8Mbit/s
>> and if you add the USB protocol overhead you are near the 12Mbit/s limit
>> of USB 1.1. Which reminds me of the USB hub I once had. If you have the
>> USB stick connected via a hub, check that the hub really is USB 2.0
>> capable.
>> But you need USB 2.0 even if the maximum write speed really is 1MB/s
>> because the read speed of flash memory is much higher than the write
>> speed.
> So what can the theoretical write speed be with USB 2? I have a
> Corsair Survival 16 Gb and the test I seen on the net shows a write
> speed of more then 20 MB/sec but I'm far from that during my test. Did
> a test now with tiobench (tiobench --threads=1) and got a result of.
> Sequential Read: 26.77 megabytes per sec.
> Sequential Writes: 5.87 megabytes per sec.
> More then 1 MB/s but not near 20 as the results on the net.
> / Jonas

The USB transfer speed is symetrical, therefore the limiting factor
would be the storage technology. It does not care if you are reading
or writing.

Dotan Cohen


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