Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Tue Nov 4 18:08:36 UTC 2008

nepal wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 November 2008, p.daniels wrote:
>> If
>> you're not familiar with Krusader, see the following (the
>> first is their homepage, the second is a pretty good
>> intro column): http://www.krusader.org/
>> http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/columns/krusader_one_
>> file_manager_rule_them_all
> thankyou mr p.daniels for this. I checked both links out and 
> most likely will slowly transit from konq to krusader for 
> everything seeing as the writing seems to be on the wall 
> for konq. I have used krusader here and there and 
> especially like the way it lets me view .iso files and 
> archives. The one thing it doesn't seem to offer is the 
> directory tree to navigate with.

> nepal.

Yes it does!
See this screenshot:




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