Why do people dislike Dolphin?

James Tappin sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk
Tue Nov 4 17:14:38 UTC 2008

On Tue, 4 Nov 2008 17:48:28 +0200
"Dotan Cohen" <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:

DC> 2008/11/4 James Tappin <sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk>:
DC> > For me the big gripe about Dolphin is that it doesn't embed image
DC> > or text file display.
DC> >
DC> That is a design feature, not a bug so far as I understand. But the
DC> Information sidebar should preview the files for you.

I don't dispute that it's intended, I just don't like it. The ability to
open files in an embedded viewer is IMHO one of the best features of

| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| sjt at star.sr.bham.ac.uk | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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